First of all, thank YOU ALL for PACKING out Berlin NYC as we debuted our songs from “Back to the Glitterverse”.
We wish we could retroactively give 2020 Kingston & GreyStarr- and the entire music scene- a big ole hug from future us.

We’d tell everybody the dream is still very much alive in 2024 in the city that never sleeps.
Sleep? Never heard of it! Apparently, neither have you.
You turned it out, raised the roof, and took no prisoners! Not only did you show up for us, but kept the energy going for The Ritualists, Dirty Lover and DJ Crystalblu.
Speaking of DJ Crystalblu - we want to take a moment to shine a light on this amazing human for putting together this epic evening! Coordinating a night of music in New York City takes a Debbie-Allen-from-Fame level of blood, sweat, and tears - and the patience of a saint. Okay, it also takes some pretty legendary organizational skills!
Ever try to get a bunch of musicians in the same room? If you know, you know!

Curators like Crystal keep this scene alive- and we could not be more grateful. Stay tuned for an encore performance… we can’t wait to do it again. Until then, here are some highlights for the show.
Kingston sending Bowie and Vanity to Unicorn Rehab, so they could sparkle and shine on stage:
Or Keith Roth telling some of his behind the scenes rock star stories in an elevator at soundcheck:
We took video of the night, so make sure to stay tuned on our Instagram to see some highlights from the show! And make sure to drop a follow to Crystal, The Ritualists, Dirty Lover and Berlin NYC!

Thank you for showing up for our Rock and Roll Emergency! Rest up, because we are going to do it again. Bigger, badder and with twice the glitter! Keep your eyes peeled for the signal across the city skyline.
Glitterverse signing off.